About Us

About Us

We are a group of individuals who build community together and use the process in our lives and work. Many of us have been practicing the Scott Peck community building model for over 20 years, as group facilitators, organising and meeting in open or closed groups and supporting our network and public events.

We have among us teachers, artists, charity workers, administrators, change managers and mediators. Our members have worked with charities, Trusts, intentional communities, churches, businesses, academic institutions and artist run community spaces and groups.

Most of our group were formerly active members of Community Building in Britain, an organisation that ceased to exist in October 2012. Formed by enthusiasts of M Scott Peck’s community building work, CBIB members put on many two and three day workshops in the UK between 1992 and 2005. These were at first led by facilitators trained by the US organisation set up by Peck, the Foundation for Community Encouragement. Members then organised several trainings of UK facilitators who led CBIB workshops or went on to work with outside organisations. CBIB also developed a 6 day event, Facilitating Ourselves and events synthesising the community building model with Open Space Technology and Appreciative Enquiry.

Our organisation still has links with The Foundation for Community Encouragement.

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We would be happy to discuss working with your organisation or in your locality if you wished to help put on a community building event. Please send us a message using the contact form.

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