Building Community is offering a short introductory session on 20th November, from 10.30am – 12.30pm, which will consist of a conversation about the community building process originated by M Scott Peck and an opportunity to ask questions. The event will last about two hours.
This seminar is designed for those who have not previously experienced the process and who would like more information before committing to a one or two-day experiential workshop and for groups who might be considering using the process in their own work.
Building Community will be offering this module as an online event, on Zoom, to a maximum of 16 attendees and it will also be happy to deliver it privately to existing groups and organisations. Booking is essential.
We are inviting those interested in attending to email us for booking information. Please also contact us if you are interested in a presentation of this seminar to your own group, community or organisation.
Our email:-
If you have friends or colleagues who might like to find out more about community building before attending a longer event, please share this information with them or point them to this link on our website.